Martyn honeyford graduated from nottingham university with a b . sc . in computer science in 1996 Martyn honeyford在1996年毕业于诺丁汉大学,并获得了计算机科学的理科学士学位。
Section of developerworks . martyn honeyford graduated from nottingham university with a b . sc . in computer science in 1996 Martyn honeyford 1996年毕业于诺丁汉大学,获计算机科学学士学位。
Whether it be luck or coincidence , ji xiaojun ' s experience studying at nottingham university brought him great benefits for the rest of his life 不管是幸运,还是巧合,总之,在英国诺丁汉大学的留学经历,让季小军终生受益。
Fatally for the government , it ended up facing these two quite distinct fronts of opposition , according to philip cowley of nottingham university 根据诺丁汉大学菲利普?考雷的观点,对政府致命的是,她面对这两种截然不同的反对意见,最终将败北。
The study is funded by the nottingham university hospitals nhs trust and the university of nottingham , with garlic capsules supplied by the nottingham - based company boots 研究得到了诺丁汉大学医院国家卫生服务信托和诺丁汉大学的资助,诺丁汉建立的公司提供大蒜胶囊。